Android tiny thief
Android tiny thief

You cannot at any cost be spotted or the level ends immediately. It was often easier to complete the main objective and optional ones than finding this little thing.Īll this is made difficult by the presence of a lawman standing guard. Sometimes it only appears after completing other objectives. It’s damn near impossible to spot the little thing who only ever pops its head out occasionally from its hiding place. Some only become available after completing certain objectives so you have to remember to go back and collect them.Īnd let’s not even start with finding the pet ferret. Some of them are in plain sight, others cleverly hidden. You also have to collect the optional items scattered around the level if you want to achieve 100% complete for every level. Manipulating the environment to get the main objective is just a third of the gameplay.

android tiny thief

The game conveniently disables objects that need to be activated later so even if you tap on them prematurely you only get a shrug from our thief. It’s really fun to tap on various things to see what they might lead to. Some levels make you manipulate a ton of different objects before you can reach the objective. You have to look around your environment to see if you can use anything for that purpose.

android tiny thief

Often there will be someone guarding it, in which case you first have to distract him. Usually the main objective is not immediately available. It is then upon you to go about the level step by step, solving the puzzle. You are told at the beginning of the level what you have to find. You have to find all of the optional items in the level to get the star for that objective there can be as many as four in a level. Completing each of these objectives gives you one star at the end of the level. Every level has three objectives: there is the main object that you have to obtain to finish the level, multiple optional objects cleverly hidden in the level and then there is our little thief’s pet ferret who is hiding somewhere in the level and you have to locate and tap on him.

android tiny thief

The gameplay in Tiny Thief is carried out entirely by tapping at points on the screen. Depending upon the number of objects you collect, you get stars at the end for that level. Tiny Thief basically involves stealing certain objects in the level without being spotted and then exiting the level. Of course, the lawmen wouldn’t have any of that and so now we have our game. This means, although he does steal for a living, his intentions are largely noble, wherein he only steals to give back to those who deserve it. Tiny Thief is the story of a young thief who fashions himself as some sort of a Robin Hood.

Android tiny thief